Wednesday, November 16, 2011

First Impressions...

I have to admit, I was very hesitant to go to my local Catholic church at first.  I just had heard so many negative things and read some not so great articles about the church over the years, I was not sure what to expect.  I walked into St. Jude with my family and at first glance, it looked like a very nice church.  It was large, but inviting. We were greeted at the doors with smiles and shown to the pews by an usher. There were only hymnal books in the pews.  I was expecting a prayer book...which I would still like to see there...anyway...we sat there looking around and shortly after, the service started.  The choir was on the other side of the altar, opposite where we were sitting...about 20-25 adults.  They started singing their first hymn and I was almost immediately taken to a higher place.  I cannot describe how beautiful they sounded.  I remember, thinking to myself, this is what heaven must sound like...they were amazing.  The priests walked the processional with the altar boys and girls...I was surprised at how similar things were to the Episcopal church right off the bat.  As the service progressed, I started to relax more and more...this service was almost identical to the Anglican one...the one I grew up with....I was so surprised...I did not understand all of the fighting that had occurred between these two churches in Europe, when they were basically the same church...there are differences, but the worship and the prayers are very similar. We said the Nicene Creed...same...we said intercessory prayers...same...we prayed for forgiveness...same...and we took communion...almost the same set up for that was amazing!  I was still unsure about the whole Mary thing...and praying to the Saints in was something I wanted to explore and embrace though.

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